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Wedding Bells

The Church - the Hotel - the Entertainment all booked
The guest list is written - The Invitations sent
Elaborate - expensive preparations completed
Eventually 'The' day arrives and the weather's set fair

"Which suit is mine?" - The groom asks the best man 
"Who can tie a Double Windsor?" and     "Where is my belt?"    
While tanned bodies have hair styled and makeup applied
The Dresses - the Suits and the inevitable Hats!

Family and friends gather - the church is full
The best man tells jokes to calm the nerves
Suitably late - She arrives - She looks perfect
The organ pipes up with "Here comes the bride"......

The ceremony so beautiful - the music so apt
The waiting is over - the knot is tied
Husband and wife forever
At last last the Wedding bells ring out!

Limited Edition Prints 1/750 - ​Signed & Numbered by the Artist

webdesign by dmac media
© All images on this site are copyright to Anna Nielsen    © All the words on this site are copyright to Anna Nielsen