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I love you this much
Sometimes it is easy to forget
to say the words
Because - sometimes the words
are hard to say
But every moment
of every day
and always  
I love you - this much!

The guy up the ladder is trying to complete the twenty piece jigsaw
of an Irish Shamrock which is the symbol of Ireland
With your eye you should be able to complete it for him
using the piece he is about to place and the other three pieces on the ground
If you have failed, here is the answer:-
The piece he is carrying goes in the bottom right hand corner
The piece closest to him on the ground goes in the second row from the top - second in from the right
The middle piece on the ground goes second in from the right, bottom row
The last piece on the ground goes top right hand corner!

Yesterday Today Tomorrow

New format 
Deep White and Deep black




Framed Zodiac Prints 
They are all 12 be available to Pre-order for shipping on 15th January
They are 250g Paper Prints framed in Wooden frame with Metal wire hanging

Positive thinking to finish 2020!

Here are some of my favorite prints.......
from way back when I had a lot more time 

to draw.....

The first one was made at a time in my life when I hugely enjoyed entertaining guests
...before my 3 children arrived :-)



The Four Seasons on a staircase


The Dinner party
The flat is spotless - The ambience is warm
The table is set - The music is soft
The candles are lit - The cork is pulled
The menu is aromatic - The drinks are sufficient
It is good company that makes dinner - a Party!

For Christmas and the New Year
I am highlighting some of my favorite large prints
They fit standard DIY frames available online

This One is titled If I only had time 45 x 64 cm Unframed
It is made up of a series of smaller images
listing all the things I'd like to have the time to do!
Now seems a good time to start!

This drawing is a series of 63 caricatures of types of marriage

such as no. 12:
‘Not tonight, I’ve got a headache’
No. 21: She’s having lots of affairs
No. 26: It’s us against the world
38. Two males Same sex couple
or no
39: A religious female - married to God
The vast majority of them are happy examples but both:
The aggressive husband no. 55
and no. 48:
The henpecked husband are included
as well as no’s 10: and 60:
Where one partner has died
I particularly like no. 35: The Shy couple

1. A very loving couple
2. She depends on him for support
3. She is very, very sorry
4. He is standing firm
5. She’s leaving him
6. Shes trying to get round him
7. She’s so drunk she has to be carried home
8.She’s receiving attention from another man
9. He is sad she stands by him
10. He has died
11. She;s unhappy He tries to console her
12. Not tonight I’ve got a headache
13. He is leaving her
14. A monk devoted to God
15.Pulling in opposite directions though still together
16. Two females Same sex couple
17. He wants the relationship to stay the way it is. She does not
18. She is the dominant Partner
19. She is unable to decide between two men
20. Neither partner is willing to back down
21. She is having lots of affairs
22.She’s listening to him
23. He is “Coming the heavy”
24. She can depend on him
25. Still together but moving apart
26. It’s us against the world
27. The demonstrative couple
28. He mistreats his wife
29. He is so drunk she has to carry him home
30. She needs help he provides it
31. She wants the relationship to stay the way it is -He does not
32. Exercise fanatics They live in shell suits and discuss the latest craze
33. She is throwing herself at a married man
34. He is only happy when she is down
35. The Shy Couple
36. Life is one long party
37. She is leaving him
38. Two males Same sex couple
39. A nun married to God
40. She is trying to make up he is not listening
41. A couple totally in sync
42. He is leaving - she is sad
43. She is making a show of him
44. He is very, very sorry
45. She leans on him
46. Macho man
47. A very “Together” couple
48. Hen pecked husband
49. He is unable to decide between two women
50. He is such a wimp, she sits on him
51. He is the dominant partner
52. She is pregnant He is proud
53. They have turned their backs on each other
54. Another happy couple
55. “I could strangle you !”
56. The solid couple
57. He is having lots of affairs
58. Look at us we are happy!
59. Long walks - for this couple it is the only thing
60. She has died
61. They only have eyes for each other
62. She walks two steps behind him
63. She is an artist He supports her

This drawing represents the journey thru’ life
was drawn for my 5 year old son when his grandfather was dying
A baby at the bottom - school - the army - choosing a partner
getting into drugs, drink or religion
Having children, living in a flat and having to get the bus
The next image represents work, resulting in money
which in turn allows time for sports and hobbies
and the retirement cottage
Old age and finally the line at the top represents death
once thru’ it

free from life and up to heaven


Human Race
(The Original drawing ink on paper of this image is also available to buy Here)
This drawing represents the race in which we are all entered the day we are born.
The race is to attain social status and possessions - success is measured in money.
Different people race at different speeds with different goals.
It begins before we are born.
We can be and are examined and measured even before we are born.
Our arrival is too late to discover our sex!
When we are born they weigh and measure us and then the race is on........
“My baby walked at 10 months” - “Mine did at 9 months”
From now on we are urged to be bigger, better and faster.
A babywalker, slide, swing, roller skates and bike give us more speed.
Our clothes are bought two sizes too big -
We are tested in school - points equal further education Childhood is shortened if we are good at sports
rewards are enormous if we are successful
Houses and moneybags represent status and possesions
Bigger house, faster car, more money -
Dropouts are forced to take part to survive. We sometimes come up against a brick wall -
The people spanning the gap represent help - councelling
urther education or financial
The annual holiday, hospital or external forces - represented here by rain and snow -
can make us slow down - some slip or are stepped on by others
some break the law.
Though not all in prison are guilty
Some want to slow down aeging appearing as “Mutton dressed as lamb”
retirement, early or late, is the official Finish.
Only then do we allow ourselves
​time to do all the thing we always wanted to do - supported by our wealth,
our families or the state -
We have time to talk, to read, to paint or spend in the garden
time for everything and anything
As we reach the last lap we move quite slowly
hopefully with time to do all those things
and hopefully to move onto whatever we expect to find
when our race is finally run.............

Limited Edition Prints 1/500 - ​Signed & Numbered by the Artist
Please ask for more details

The Optimist and the Pessimist
This is the story of one day in the lives of Mr. Optimist and Mr. Pessimist.
They both experience the same events, have the same job and play the same sport
but their feelings and thoughts make one an optimist and the other a pessimist.
For example:- Mr. O. wakes up in the morning and thinks “Another great day”.
Whereas Mr. P. pulls the covers over his head and thinks “Just ten more minutes.”
In work Mr. O. feels lucky to have a good job with prospects
while Mr. P. would rather be at home “It’s a dead end job anyway.”
Mr. O. plays sport expecting to win but Mr. P. expects a bad shot very time.
Mr. P. greets his future wife with thoughts of “Ball and chain” Mr. O. thinks “Bed!”
Mr. O. sees a future full of idyllic summer days barbecuing in the garden
Mr. P. sees coming home to seven screaming children and a wife worn out by housework
Mr. O. walks his fiancee to her flat thinking “Tonight is my lucky night.”
Mr. P. is sure there is no chance so he walks his fiancee to her bus stop.

Mr. O.’s last thought before sleep is “Life really is great”
Mr. P.’s last thought is “Life really is a bore”

All your best friends - a selection of strangers for variety - Loads of good food, drink and powerful music
Put them all in a large house and you should have a great party

These are the words at the bottom of this drawing and it looks as if it is working
The place is full and there are guests still arriving
being checked in at the door by a large friend
who sends the booze in to the kitchen on the left where it is metered out in respectable glasses
Beside the table holding the drinks is he/she who never leaves this spot
but spends the night here - free drink!

The room on the right is so full of people they are spilling out of the window
shouting rude welcomes to the late arrivals
On the first floor there is music and dancing
Note the couple always glued to each other right in the middle of the floor
Totally oblivious of everyone else

In the hall on the second floor outside the only loo in the house
We see a selection of guests in various stages of urgent need!
But the loo is occupied by someone throwing up
(His full pint glass beside the bowl)
Too many people not enough loo

The room on the right is where the coats are kept
and as usual a couple have decided they don't need the coats, just the bed!
The party continues up the stairs to the third floor
The room on the left is where everything of any value has been locked away
but someone has still managed to break a table by falling on it
and on this landing we have some more party regulars:-
He who has brought his guitar and thinks he can sing like Dylan
and - has brought a friend with his own tambourine!

Proceeding down the stairs is
She who is stunningly beautiful
knows it and like to walk around
so that everyone can have a chance to see just how gorgeous she really is
Three lads have made it up to the attic
and hang out the window spouting words like "Yeah man
the world is pink man
like cool and wicked!"
He will not remember the party tomorrow morning or the next day

No respectable party is complete without a Garda or two
and in this case they have gone to the wrong house
All the neighbours are up
shouting out their windows for quiet !!
Gate crashers are trying to climb in
but have clambered up the wrong house
and a couple have not got as far as the party yet
They have a snuggle also on the steps of the house next door

Here it comes.....


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© All images on this site are copyright to Anna Nielsen    © All the words on this site are copyright to Anna Nielsen