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One Moment in time

If Mankind is all people who ever existed
Then this drawing is meant to be a cross section thru’ mankind
at One Moment in Time

The Map has three parts
The Outside Edge - The Middle - The Inside Edge 

The Outside Edge - is made up of people
who have made a difference to our Physical world 
For example - Someone - at one moment in time must have been
the first to make Fire and
there WAS a day when the first wheel turned
In our own era the atom was split and
Telecommunications have reached such a level of sophistication
that the vast pool of mankind’s knowledge
is now readily available to all people everywhere

The Middle
Is made up of those millions of us who exist and only add 
our unique personal experiences to the knowledge

The Inside Edge
Is made up of those who shape our Psychic world:-
What we believe - what we like - what makes us happy or afraid 
Here the contributors include:-
Religious Leaders - Great Thinkers - Writers - Artists - Muscisians 

My Grandmother was alive before the first telephone was brought to her villiage - she died in the spring of 2000 having seen monumental changes both in what we believe to be truth  and what we can do with the physical knowledge we have gained
This map is to remind us that if you take the development of mankind as a series of steps
Then the difference between mankind’s first ever step
and where we are today 
Is so immense that what is yet to come is............................?

Limited Edition Prints 1/500 - ​Signed & Numbered by the Artist

webdesign by dmac media
© All images on this site are copyright to Anna Nielsen    © All the words on this site are copyright to Anna Nielsen